
Thursday 30 June 2011


I'm having trouble making anything I resent having an entry in the monster manual. I've since figure out why it had so many "filler" entries was because it was all the stats for stuff from all the previous released stuff jammed together in one helpful tome.
Why the fuck there were so many dinosaurs, I'm not sure.
Anyway, while making the cattle, I was trying out various buttons for eyes, and I put a over sized button on her face and went "oho! I could make it a cyclops cow! I am too droll!"

So yeah... Easily bored, Easily amused is me.   
So some background information, "cyclops" are a real genetic happening, but not a good one like laser beams eyes, a bad one that the inflicted does not survive because the mutation also affects your breathing system, being that your eyes , ears, nose , and mouth  are connected.
Something that causes mutations is a teratogen and "cyclopness" formal name is  cyclopia or cyclopepathy.

Still got the bull to do, trying to make it look like this:

Sunday 26 June 2011


I'm making a cow right now.

But! That's not for your eyes right now!
This guy is!
Also I have made a jabberwocky for an art trade but don't wanna upload photos of it before the intended recipient receives it.
Next post cows! (cattle and bull)
And then its onto to the D's!

Sunday 19 June 2011


early 14c., crevis, from O.Fr. crevice "crayfish" (13c., Mod.Fr. écrevisse), probably from Frankish *krebitja or a similar Germanic word that is a dim. form of the root of crab (1); e.g. O.H.G. krebiz "crab, shellfish," Ger. Krebs. Modern spelling is 16c., under influence of fish.

Now you know.
I tried using some decorative stitching on the crayfish's back. Not sure how I feel about it.
I love using zips for insect mouths. The Anhkeg and giant crab also have this done.

Centipede I got well sick of. Just kept looking like a millipede and I glue coated it too early and it made it real difficult to restitch when I realized the antenna was in wrong place.
The legs were by folding and creasing preglued (and dried) fabric (think origami) . This looked too skinny so I wrapped a piece of glue soaked fabric round the legs.
Was it easier than just twisting fabric and sewing it? Maybe...
Baaaaam! PHOTos!

Saturday 11 June 2011


Yeah I'm pretty much just gonna dump a whole bunch of photos here, coz its got all kinds of shit happening, what with the snake butt and goat and black lion;

Sunday 5 June 2011


Here is the centaur.
Human faces are fiddly things, probably because they are the first thing we learn to see and all.

Things that occurred to me in the making:
a)PVA is awesome for making weapons, the appearance of any how. Crudely cut out fabric, cover it in pva , press it flat and voila! You have something batshit glam enough for a hong kong world of martial arts comic. Google "weapons of the gods" if you want to know what I'm talking about.
b)If you were a centaur and possessed breasts, you would invent a sports bra pretty damn quick.
c)Its hard to imagine them running if you think too much about it.
Centaurs that is, not sports bras or hong kong batshit glam weapons, like that's a lot of weight just sitting there at the front not really flowing with the motion of the spine and legs.
If the human torso stuck out  at an angle like a ship figure head and/or was really small like a child, it would integrate better with the horse movement. I
t looks really fucking weird though when I tried having the torso leaning forward.
Food for thought anyhow.
d)dreads are the easiest doll hair ever.

Okay that's all. Making the chimera now. Huzzah.

p.s Any got a good suggestion for a name for her?

Thursday 2 June 2011


Here is the camel! I had it nearly finished and then I looked at those 2 hump Mongolian camels and totally realized I had to make it one of those.

And the Couatl;

Now I'm working on the centaur and trying decide which one of the crayfish (giant), chimera, or centipede (giant) is going to be more of a pain in the butt.