
Wednesday 1 September 2021

6th Part Of Kick Starter Cognition Snare, The Hexahedron of the Flame Monks

RAH RAH RAH kickstarter
TAA TAA TAA TAAA room by room dungeon

 The room Patrick just did was here



Most Obvious Thing

 Beached Time-Whale! Some bastard harpooned him right in his Tempituitary gland and he dropped out of the astral plane in the middle of this hexahedron causing the problems with the seasons. This whale fills up atleast half the room. The room apparently was some kind of dormitory , with simple cots and cupboards that are now smashed to splinters , with the robes, washing bowls etc all festooned around the room.

The Time-Whale looks like a Whale (!) , but also a lot like a drunk person trying to draw a caterpillar.

It is a whole mess of hard to describe colours and has an elaborately barbed harpoon stuck above its right eye.


The whale is confused and freaking out but if the harpoon is removed it will be able to phase out back to the astral plane. The whale crashing here is what fucked up the seasonal transition, however even if the whale phases out it it will take another seasonal transition for the Hexahedron to reset itself.

 Unfortunately the whale is only as smart as not that bright dog and in a weird environment and in pain.

Its main defense is winding time back , so if its approached quickly , threatened , or attacked it will wind time back (in the immediate area) to just before that action was attempted.

Attempting to cross the room will freak the whale out enough to "time cancel" the action unless its done very slowly and calmly.

 Removing the harpoon will require either a lot of brute force (hurting the whale), or delicate applied knowledge of either machinery (the harpoon is a nightmare of byzantine hinging barbs) or surgery. 

(not hurting the whale but most definitely freaking it out unless its distracted or calmed down in some way)

The Harpoon:

The harpoon is the size of a polearm, does 1d20 damage but won't reduced something hitpoints below 1.  It's completely bloody awkward to use however , and trying to use it like a regular weapon gives -5 to hit.

However, because its designed to harpoon time-whales , and thus needs to bypass their time-rewind defense by skipping ahead to a place in time where it has stabbed the target.

To active this ability one just needs to speculate about attacking something with the harpoon, it will then suddenly have already impaled the target . 

1 comment:

  1. Brilliant as usual! Now, once the PCs figure out that the time-whale is causing time to loop back on itself, no doubt they will christen the poor creature Moebius Dick.
