Tuesday, 4 February 2025

Abpolis 3: Scrungers also TRAVEL FUNDRAISER

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But first exhibition update (these things are going to be in an exhibition remember?)

There's a kickstarter selling a zine in order to get FUNDS to pay for travel for some of the artists. Specifically Zedeck, Amanda , and YOURS TRUELY 


Zedeck wrote it , me and Amanda (and Zedeck!) drew art for it , and David Blandy very very kindly got the whole thing rolling and not going off a cliff on fire.


Scrungers start life out as weird protean ooze slorping inside the thermal core of  a vast landfill. The next stage of their life cycle is migrating to the outside of it. They then assemble a crude endo/exoskeleton for protection and mobility .

This the "Viscous"  stage.










At this stage they will travel the furtherest from the dump-home , seeking locations with a wealth of materials and few other scrungers to compete with.


The next stage of life is the "Festooned" stage. This is where they've covered most of their body in repurposed material , and little of their original form is showing. They have grown in size and experience and have refined and developed their forms and abilities with it.

This is the time they are mostly likely to enter into other scrunger territories and try and wrest position of both the location and other parts directly from the rival.


The most successful scrungers become ELDERSCRUNGE They are the largest and have an nigh unassailable grip on their territories


Design Notes:

Scrunges satisfy an urge in me to have trash animals exist and just be romping around being trash animals but as a dynamic game piece I think they miss something.

Having them be like wild animals that are motivated by obtaining objects rather than food, and that are easily baited into conflict with each other is somewhat interesting as an encounter.

But they lack any coherent long term goals or intelligence.

I think I will come back to them , and create an order of knights making cosmonaut like armour of trash , who tame them and ride them against the other horrors of Abpolis.

But for now, The Scrunges As They Are.

There's also more photos and examples of them on the instagram,  https://www.instagram.com/p/Cs5QOkOvFKw/  click the # to see more them, though instagram is increasingly fucked to do anything with so good luck I guess

Next post : The Nu_Wolves

Friday, 3 January 2025

Abpolis 2: Immurement Cults and Elemunters

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some general notes about it:

A non-specific but terrible event <EPISTEMOLOGICAL RUPTURE >  that did weird MAGIC BUT IN A INEXPLICABLE SCI-FI WAY BUT BASICALLY MAGIC stuff and now everything is broken and cars try and kill you directly and immediately rather than <CLIMATE JOKE> 

Bands of humans scavenge and build little communities and dunno grow silverbeet and make tyre armour blah blah , more importantly: monsters! ruins! garbage swords!

That's all I got so far, it's just enough of a foundation to make concrete monsters fight frog mutants.

I have stray thoughts of using it as a campaign setting  , BUT if I went straight up horror , I could still leave the human stuff barebones and let the player determine how they go about surviving; either as a small band or trying to build a little community . While the various factions grind into each other potentially wiping all their progress away if one gets far too much power and sweeps everything up in its way.

<I don't know if I can rightly describe things like the Nu_Wolves or Bitu-men as factions. Actually I flat out cannot , but I'll use it as a place holder for "threats of significance" or something more accurate>

If I went more d&d with the campaign setting , then would need to add aspects to the setting to give players options of weird psychic powers, biografts, kludgeware parts and other power advancements that aren't just learning more about the setting and stockpiling napalm.

But right now, excuse to make monsters.


Sketches of the Immurmers (cone hats) and the Elemunters (punk looking guys)



Blood is, and always has been, the mortar most true

The densest population grouping are those of the Immurment Cults. By virtue of being having large to very large ambulatory cement creatures  ("Cementals") to protect them.
The animatory force behind them is something the Immuremurators* claim has always been present in successful buildings, and has always need some form of blood sacrifice to sustain it.
As burying people alive , either in or under , a building getting built, in order for it to stay built ,shows up in a surprising range of cultures .  (Hitobashira for example).

More well known human sacrifice (cutting hearts out atop a stepped pyramid  , burning children to Moloch) is also interpreted by the Immuremurators as actually being for the good of the building and the city , and was misunderstood by the superstitious and close-minded.

The also claim worker fatalities in construction and homeless deaths were the modern surreptitious way of continuing the practice.

Anyway they provide a horrible form of theocratic warlordism and are not united at all , continually raid each other for sacrifices and converts .


 The most successful and populous of these has the biggest Cementals , because of the obvious positive feedback loop of force and implied force application.

These Cementals they create and feed are basically equivalent to stupid and angry dogs that are alternately given worrying amounts of xanax or meth.

I guess if these guys are warring cults they should have different creeds and fancy outfits but right now all I got is them wearing rags and traffic cones.

*Not sure about this name here.

As yet unnamed Cemental




Can a bunch of squabbling idiots wearing traffic cones and sicking parts of buildings on each can be described as a religious orthodoxy? 

Arguably. The Elemunters are those that would argue that , as they have developed far more dynamic and creative methods of evoking the cities latent ambulatory energies. 

From fire, to wire , to sludge, to gas, to glass , to pipe, if its part of the life and death of city , an Elemunter has likely worked out how to evoke it to life.

They mainly use this be a bunch of squabbling idiots siccing ambulatory bin-fires on each other.

They don't really gather together or gather people around them , as they are independent and free thinking to the point of serious maladaption.

Still they can less dangerous and more straight forward to deal with than others, and can often be bartered with to provide a wirehorse or conflagrant for extra muscle .

Well the ones that aren't brutal marauders or unhinged babbling visionaries that is.



Here's a link again to everything I've put on insta so far. 


It doesn't seem to work for someone people and don't know how to fix it , but searching up instagram toiletworldultra #abpolis seems to work

Monday, 30 December 2024

Abpolis :What? -> Exhibition , Frogs, Bita-men ->Oh Cool, Sounds Grand

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 Abpolis is an extremely open-ended ongoing creative project , made to inform and inspire the designs and experiments I've been doing with model making.
It's open-ended in the sense that I'm not letting myself get stuck on "having" to make it a campaign setting , a blog series , or a commercial product (or typically all three) , instead making up just enough about it to give a direction to the design of figures and material experiments.

But importantly still have enough space to pivot around what the materials themselves offered in creative direction. 

That's not to say it can't or won't be turned into something else at some stage.

But as I've kept finding myself ensnared and burdened with speculative project bloat and vasts trees of " Oh I'll need to include/do this" , and it's resulted in doing fuck all, Abpolis is a change in approach. 

You may of already been aware of all this seeing VARIOUS FIGURES on the instagram, and regardless if YOU ARE here's a link for both your convenience and elucidation :


IT IS ALSO going to be included in the exhibition in Nottingham I'm part of:


Some of the dudes going to be shown

 I'm including various figures I've making , and big mess of sketches, speculative design notes, lore dumps and some bigger developed drawings.

SPEAKING OF lore dumping , I'm using this (and future posts ) to force myself to consolidate the nearly coherent jotting and text fragments that currently exist about Ab-polis into something approaching readability and even informability.

As that's something to be included in this exhibition as well. BIG WOW!

The Frogs:

Hungry protean fellows, driven by assimilative cannibalism and consciousness blurring fungal infection. Sing and talk about being One and The Song of All and they spend most of their time fighting and eating other in state of hunger, desperate mania and celebratory joy.
The frogs blessed with the largest forms and stable forms gain strength and power from eating other frogs (and anything else) , in a fairly conventionally "eat and grow bigger" lifestyle.
Less conventional is when the eaten frog is incorporated into the eater , not by digest , but just kinda growing out of them somewhere.
The frogs that manage only to get mostly eaten from these predations have their insufficient forms and injuries tended and reinforced by the latent fungal infection they share, potentially becoming nigh unrecognizable masses of fungal what-ever.
A third vocation exists of just biting or pulling off parts of other frogs that they fancy , running away and then sticking them on their body.


The Song Of All :

I will eat you and you will live with me, we will grow and eat and become

no death 

Only death 

the death of the skin-lie

The eaten is the eater is the eaten is the eater

the song is all all is the song



Chaos frogs / body horror mutant hive mind / messy goons aren't a staggering new concept , but thing about Ab-polis is that it wasn't about impressing anyone with my creative brilliance as was creating something to inspire some fun model building. And mutant frogs are a great shape for that, with their simple cartoonishly expressive forms (oversized mouths and limbs) . 

Then add fungus and general wacky body plasticiness and you got yourself a gay old time.

I don't know if the name is a reference , exactly, to Aristophane's play other than I like the play. Like there's zero thematic matching here ? "The Frogs" is sinister in its innocuousity though and I'm sticking with it.


Terrible results of reusing/failing to properly dispose of an adaptive smart material, that was otherwise being wonderful for making appliances, industrial machinery, pets, "domestic" servants, etc.
The tanks and other storage facilities to contain, dispose, and research were already showing inadequacy even before the epistemological rupture . Now they present an unpredictable danger to an environment already full of unpredictable dangers.
Each bitu-men is barely stable amalgam of half-remembered roles and purposes, which they will still try and follow. 
Resulting in something potentially harmless (sucking up dust and attempt to clean the glass on empty window frames) , to far less harmless (sucking up internal organs and trying to clean and sort human bone) .

They can be really worrying when they have grudges or emotion fixations from some of their previous uses, especially if they were misused or abused in their role. 


These are 100% the result of playing with Shoe-goo, a difficult material to use , but one that gives alot in weirdness and texture. They've got a wire frame underneath them.

I'm not sure if the figures really match the lore at this stage, they look a little too protean and don't particular suggest their past uses. However if I start including basic looking machine parts they start blurring into the visual design space of the Scrunges (ooze that makes junk forms for itself) .  Maybe I should include some kind of Pompeii event where the smart material entombed and their dying psychic echoes imprinted on them?

Or lean into some kind of tar-pit or petrochemical industry horror?

The lore was developed around trying to make them into something more than a unstable flailing ooze that just tries to kill you. Anyway this an example of when the material inspires some world building but then the world building starts going against the potential of the material.

There's then a whole mess of creative choices around trying to push the material into doing something against the result (which can result in something amazing or just a tepid mess) or readjusting the lore (which could result in going in an exciting new direction or compromising into something generic ) .

They also feel pretty similar to the Gilgamash from Veins of The Earth. 

But this is why Abpolis is currently opened ended, so things can be scrapped , pivoted , reworked, etc. Or just left behind if there's deeper and richer mines to exploit.


NEXT POST WILL COVER : The Immurement Cults and Elemunters

Wednesday, 25 October 2023


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  1. Secrete To Everyone 

  2. Hoot Forever 

  3. Dirty Fingers 

  4. Gusset Maul

  5. Farmer Criminal 

  6. Party On Dude

  7. Internal Temp Fried Chicken

  8. Bovianal Malease 

  9. PIG's 

  10. Hot Mums Area 

  11. Disease Herd Me

  12. Erected Orfistial

  13. Foetal Impaction

  14. Hardcore Horn

  15. Slaphead Goo Numple

  16. Badess Dadess'

  17. Honour's Gayhorse 

  18. Malerider 

  19. BallsPickle 

  20. Slurptown Population YrDad 

  21. Labial Terrorist

  22. Dukes O'gizzard's

  23. Gods Ripe Idiot 

  24. Organal Pig Pong 

  25. CumShooter 

  26. Electric Shitman 

  27. Not Like The Other Girl's 

  28. Orificer 

  29. Caprinal Nuggets 

  30. Defection Bia's

  31. FreedomIsAJustTurd4NothingTwoLoo's

  32. Wee Man Warcriming

  33. The True Scot'sman

  34. Sled Full of Garbage

  35. Rich Tapestry of Violence

  36. Josepth The INtellecutal

  37. Wet Sack Wet Sack Wet Sack

  38. Pet Food Only

  39. Baboon Responsible

  40. TheyMadeMeTheBoss

  41. Zibaldon't Alice

  42. Huge Yelling 

  43. Wombs's Dis'creteCannon 

  44. Loon With a View

  45. The Badbrain Unchained

  46. Cuu Screaming Disappoinment

  47. Dark Proctor

  48. Wars Sauce's

  49. Outlast Safety

  50. Goat Disco

  51. Bloatgasm Cane

  52. All I Goat Wa's T-shirt 

  53. Busta Creeps Chilling 

  54. The Pygmalion Audacious 

  55. S'crot's Lightning 

  56. Big Anger Teats 

  57. Clown Car 

  58. Junior Clown Car Senior'MD

  59. Misery Festoon's

  60. Hots Buggery&Chrome

  61. Jammy Hypnosis

  62. Hers Pestilence 

  63. Ruby Of The Colon 

  64. Indigence Glands Indigence 

  65. Endonope Goit

  66. Tax Fraud Of God

  67. Spike Sex Batman

  68. Gorg Piss Prince

  69. Pumper Mungo

  70. Grit Dickhead

  71. Big Big Big

  72. ShitOnYourLawn

  73. Abrasive Wheel’s Can Maim

  74. Terror Poo

  75. Ugly Carpets Hate Man

  76. ExtraBad

  77. Numpty Dingdong

  78. Wanton Empathy 

  79. Wild Ass

  80. Chargrill Baby Yum Town

  81. The Feening

  82. Lamb Of the Dmaned

  83. Punishmeek

  84. Mangler Gibbles

  85. Wanton Gammon

  86. Brainsaw

  87. Broke Nuttle


  89. Ruin Of Gut’s

  90. Canal knowledge’s

  91. Ramdominion 

  92. Pope Tits

  93. Disaster Man

  94. SoilsChild

  95. NoThankin

  96. House Is Toilet

  97. 1Thousard’sMancorpseHaha

  98. Grimey Dick

  99. Corpse-doer

  100. Ape-Puncher