Manes are the weakest and most dweeb like of the demons (called tanar'ri later on. I actually prefer tanar'ri to demon, makes the cosmology of the whole thing less chauvinistic).
This one (is mane the singular of manes?) has some elephantiasis shit going, and gut sloughing over its vermicile penis. Vermicile means worm like, don'tchaknow, although the spell check keeps wanting to spell it vermicelli, which is the noodles I think. Which are named after the resemblance to worms. Vermin I think comes from this word as well. Rodent comes from a latin word meaning to gnaw (rodere maybe?) and that's where erode comes from as well.
What? oh yep the mane(s?). Here it is:
The photos are taken in a kitchen OF DESPAIR actually no its pretty homely and lovely.
Next up: orcus!
Orcus is probably gonna have a massive malformed dong. It always annoyed me when stuff was illustrated with smooth crotch especially if it was a monstrous humanoid demon thing. Like its just a god damn dong, draw it if its gonna be there, is it really gonna make people cry?
Well according to various internet comedy sites; yes seeing dicks make cis-gendered straight males cry.
Might I recommend a sprinkle of Harden the fuck up?
It would make me laugh hard if people complained that dicks made it inappropriately sexual, when like 87.65546% of everything in advertising, rpgs, fantasy, comics etc is heavily sexualized, if only in a softporny way.
Okay sorry about the brief rant, I'm a little bit dosed up on pain killers and generally a moody bitch tonite.
IN conclusion: