There's this d100 table of names I did that I sometimes go looking for on old blog posts , forgetting completely that it exists as a google drive document.
Now I'm going to put it as a blog post as well to double my chance of finding but have included additional names for anyone whose already seen the original.
It's 3 tables so you could roll a d3 as what to use,
(Or a d4 with 4 being roll 2d4s and combine, if you roll another 4 , roll again with an additional d4 and if you are unlucky you will get another 4 and start approaching rolling a number of d4s that making it very unlikely to not roll a d4 and its your own fault)
1. Snide ellipsis
2.Mary Planks
3. Tom Armadillos
4.Syrup Basin
5.Calf Ambles
6.David Burly
7.Doug "The Doug" Douglas
8.Clancy Sugar
9.Nancy Smalls
10.Ford Motor
11.Andre "Cannibal" Winter
12.Fisher Probes
13.Lawn Bowls
14.Rivers Condo
15.Outpatients Department
16.Dan Tiger
17.Jelly Roll
18.Melissa Buffalo
19. Brian Harpoon
20.Bulbs Radiator
21.Vladimir Sputin
22.Thomas “For Time” Stalin
23.Trousers Sandwiches
24.Pearl Chowder
25.Tom "Stacker" Baker
26.Fawny Groove
27.Hank Wedge
28.Miles Testy
29.Cornelia Hubestss
30.Jersey Caramel
31.Wrangel Island
32.Sanny Frisco
33.Thomas Busdriver
34. Mark "Mark" Jenkins
35.Queefy Wheats
36.Lakes Blossum
37.Keith Boss
38.Jenny Hammer
39.Hermia Booty
40.Nina Arena
41. Cloudy Daze
42. Robust Badger
43.Frank Guns
44.Lily "Drownings" Drizzle
45.Fred Daggs
46.Melissa "Octogon" Daily
47. Shuddering Winston
48.Kevin Shirley
49. Trish Arson
50.Hurdy Sedums
51.Wolfgang Analgel
52.Grande Riveirre
53.Bernard Door
54. Hudson Drains
55.Loretta Drunk
56.Sally Runnings
57.Dolly Eastern Promise
58.Joy Cookies
59.Franklin Rhinestone
60.Gilly Eggs
61.Jam Katmandu
62. Kate Irrevocably
63. Erma Turkeyneck
64.Violet Shelves
65.Celia Lamp
66.Rozzy Miter
67.Duncan "Mop and Bucket" Cairn
68. Dredgy Wheel
69.Sufficient Industry
70.Theodore "backdoor" Monday
71.Flight School
72.Salad Despoil
73.Harvey Kindly
74.Complete Sentences
75.Beth Realism
76.Gaggy Paint
77.Henry "Doggy" Sellers
78.Douglas Brass
79.Louise "Bridal" Homicide
80.Tool Box
81.Bert Walrus
82.Classy Broad
83.Monica Plug
84.Laura Correctional
85.Peter Banned
86.Balls Snakey
87.Gamma Radiation
88.Trixey Alley
89.Pixie TwoByFour
90.Vivian "Sparky" Roosterton
92.Terry "Dipshit" Towel
93.Daisy Cutter
94.Poppy Fists
95.Reindeer Little
96.Austria Glide
97.Mary Ann Gusset
98.Conical Wizard
99.Metric Standard
100.Lara Houndings
01:Serenity Kong
02: Charlie “Sucking” Gut-Wound
03: Fiona Swarming
04:Shucka Pines
05: Wall Finkelstein
06:Franco Downings
06:Buster Shots
07:Erma Flipper
08:Phillip “Steamy” Rhodes
09:Manu Photosensitivity
10:Tessa Coils
11:Vinny Long Division
12:Manny Thunk
13:Olivia Apefocker
14:Willow “Cold Butchery” Sunshine
15: Belinda Hive
16:Drusilla “Wine and Dine” Machete
17:Orlando Tombstone
18:Bucket Lisp
19:Lucinda Succotash
20:Weaver Rotterdam
21:Hamlet Jackhammer
22:Pigs Whistling
23:Claudius Removalist
24:Lennox Moth
26:Ross Growling
27:Hecate Verbery
28:Heather Ganger
29:Elbow Southerly
30:Pete Bogs
31:Isabella Carny
32:Kitten Smalling
33:Juliet Furnace
34:Juggy Dimestore
35:Gilbert “Genuine Article” Druidly
36:Wicker Thicket
37:Helen Shanks
38:Melancholy Hams
39:Muse Jenkins
40:Moses Brown
41:Roman Decline
42:Aria Throttle
43:Grace “StoneCold” Riddance
44:Max Intentions
45:Pug Tyler
46:Hercules Periot
47:Samuel “The Dead” Waking
48:Kathlyn Castaway
49:Theodore Jogging
50:Fridge Cancer
51:Ivy S’More
52:Friendship Station
53:Air Supply
54:Screen “ForHelp” Trenching
55:Ashes Paving
56:Jizz Archer
57:Hinemoa Arkweld
58:Serpent Bridge
59:Violet Bruising
60:Zeke Hurling
61:Xavier Slothfoul
62:Frank “anchors” Downstairs
63:Simian Grace
64:Benjamin Oscillation Black
65:Gamma Fillets
66: Figs Sickly
67:Khole Dispersal
68:Maurice Junker
69:Tabby Filled
70:Ruby Ocean
71:Quin “Fear Itself” Books
72:Jen Warrior
73:Hooty Galore
74:Zoey Zeigeist
75:Peaches Molotov
76:Bruno Shining PAth
77:Emma Void
78:Colin Buried-Alive
79:Eli Mozambique
80:Africa Wilson
81:Molly “Drinking Problem” Pullover
82:Zed Fullstop
83:Chuck Stakes
84:Timely Arrival
85:Jade Condition
86:Falling Upward
87:Manos Gold
88:Oliver Footnote
89:Hanks Raw
90:India Tombstone
91:Holden “Hooker” Sunset
92:Cammy Winger
93:Drudge Monument
94:Kristos Tuxedos
95:Missy Peyote
96:Bill Crack
97:Forest Yearning
98:Boomer Dogs
99:Watson Chokehold
100:Gelty Finetune
1: Hissy TuMany
2.Sean Alot’O’Dogs
3.Parks Ash
4.Asteep Fitter
5.Fling “The King” Pissant
6.Nova Pinegroom
7.Icella Wined
8.Justine Claming
9. Zuz Baron
10.Meryl Pucker
11. Blue Meritable
12.Voon Kills
13.Hana Mullen
14.Desmond Balloon
15.Jane Blankblank
16.Lily Sob
17.Grandle Meat-tickets
18.Ivly Bantam
19.Gho’ Sleepwright
20. Tinkles “Very Bad” Scar
21. Cammy Look-At-All-These-Snakes-Now
22. Astrasus Pigstar
23.Wendaline “Wendy” Gowithwoe
24.Merry Poonslin
25. Asha Cosmosis
26.Plu Nostick
27.Jip Everdownward
28. Rex “Fucking Useless” Glory
29. Jubilee Chokegasm
30. Funk Bagham
31. Mae Runderhulk
32. Pendle Grunehills
33.Samima Lastly
33.Minos Tucking
34.Derry Severalcows
35.Chastanence Big Clocks
36.Joes Whippet
37.Tishamont Teething
38.Gas Dahling
39.Saturnus Picklewraith
40. Jom Cloppet
41. Joseph Hoofnoof
42. Batin Van Der Vandeer
43.Granna Cocklesmear
44. Leaguecock Sligo
45.Grung New Bliss
46. Oola Stonehells
47. Juzenee All’Serpents
48. Munii Undereve
49. Tilda Uggswater
50. Ben “Still Having Frogs” Montgomer
51.Lickle Omegabeam
52.Golda TownInIreland
53.Dark Pointing
54.Avive “Always Be” Awaken
55.Tom “Also Tom” Tomson O’Toms
56.Jamalla Drumharmer
57. Aa’l Burial
58. Foxy Bricks
59. Moonsgroom Efluleza
60. Du’unk Village
61. Lima Waxwove
62.Wyrpryl Feens
63.Asselle Foundling
64. Merry Alsotomsson
65.Brigadoon Grove
66. Selwyn Thorn
67.Hunst Ploo
68. Rosamonde Judaschilde
69. Tempeste Vloe
70. Jann Uberdyke
71. Chia Shunka
72.Lopalou Goonias
73. lil’George Huge
74. Vivine Sprokenvixen
75. Cliff Burgstein
76.Juniper Bellsbastard
77.Kora Yello
78. Anthony Farmswear
79 Borgette Betwixt
80. Shar “Tunes” Hummadum
81. Paul Wartsport
82.Blanche Rippadik
83.Salome “The Bomb” Atomie
84.Moldewarp Ruttles
85.Sig Wurst
86.Fir Pheromone
87.Junus Ravelle
88. Snicker Princes
89. Osome Augustine
90. Non Tumubose
91. Penny Jobsworth
92.Karn Beetle
93. Smithe Hujikott
94.Germaine Frenchie
95. Chuk “Chukwuma” Ekong
96. Sing Allwarsend
97. Assain Worriment
98. Sook Mancook
99. Lila Ephedrine
100. Trica Nocopse