Apologies for the long delay, just been problem after problem.
This post will the last I do in blogger post format. The rest will be a blog post
introducing the realm and then a link to a google drive document.
Blogger has become increasingly unwieldy when trying to make large posts,
and converting tables from drive to blogger is always a headache.
This realm is one that required the most amount of rewrites due to my distaste for
my younger tone and mechanical choices. In the end I removed more than I added,
but you can find the original text here:
Here's the links to the planescrap primer:
Other Realms:
Pinnacle of Virtue
Serene Night
Blazing World
Mount Erebus
Ocean Protean
BOUNDLESS RIFTS OF FLESH (The Flesh Rifts, the abyss)
The Flesh Rifts are about desire, cruelty, lust and hunger, all without limits or restraint . It draws to itself
souls who craved their own gratification over the consideration of anything else. Marauders, sadists,
and the truly degenerate all come here. Most Souls end up in the Depths of Pleasure and Pain,
which is like a vast city-sized gothic cathedral,
the majority of its "mass" actually being more of a pit-like bas-relief into a vast heaving stone
plateau in the approximate middle of the Flesh Rifts.
The Depths of Pleasure and Pain is a seething brawl, orgy, torture chamber, slaughter and holy rite.
The majority quickly lose their own concept of self, and are absorbed into the essence of the plane.
The particularly strong of spirit are shaped into demons.
The Depths has a massive hedge of Desire Thorns, to strip the Salt of any Soul even before they lose themselves
in the Flesh Rifts. The Flesh Rifts splinter out from this central point, a maddening labyrinth of canyons
, ravines, plateaus, and obscene rock formations, the top of which is frequently covered in garish broiling mists .
Visibility is extremely limited even if you can find the rare path that does not wind through the Canyons.
If the mist is clear, you can see what appears to be clouds and stars. These are actually the war debris of The Grind.
Generating Terrain in The Flesh Rifts
Flesh Rifts
Terrain Features
Broadly speaking it’s a
Flat plain
Rolling field
Mesas and stone stacks
Abrupt vertical changes, chessboard escarpments
Flooded and immediately islanded
Boggy with hillocks
Slopes downward to a pit
Rises upward to a peak
Gorges branching through it
10. Lightning bolt shaped chasm
Except there’s
Wounds and hooks
Sex organ(s)
Scabs and Pus
Intestines and sphincters
And they are
Massive, cyclopean
Numerous, teeming like blades of grass
Being mined/processed
Hazardous , can injury the careless
Predator, will be actively try to injury
Treacherous , concealed or looking harmless until it isn’t
Singular , monolithic
Ossified , brittle
Roving, mindless
Forested, vivid, lewd trees and flora
Tooth Studded tongue
Obsidian impalement and sodomy tree
Bone drill
Blood geyser with black toothed giant spermatozoa diving in and out
Field size eyeball , dismantled like the rings of onion with hooks and chains
Giant tit, lactating bile
Single canine , rotten like swiss cheese
Forest that’s actually veins and arteries
Disembodied lips like a horde of caterpillars
Wound in landscape held open and sculpted with pillars and other architectural bones
Pools of organs
Wound stitched shut with obsidian needles 10-30 metres long and a handspan wide
Snake tongue nailed to the air
Infected wound on the side of a hill
Long dick , in a graceful snail spiral
Huge shards of bone protruding from ground
Geysers that are vulva prolapsing wombs
Oversized hairs the size of trees
Half completed bridge to nowhere made out of the spine of a huge beast
Cairns of skulls chewing on each other
1| Irregular showers of blood
2|Extremely loud groan and earthquake
3 | Recent repairs and/or tortures seemingly done to the landscape itself. Rock banks with infected
stitches, trees bandaged to rocks, patchwork terrain with pins holding it together.
4 | Indistinct orifices wetly openly around the PCs, some with pulsing red folds, others barbed thorns
or obsidian teeth, or cooing sweetly, or flicking long forked tongues
5 | Herds of crab cows grazing ferociously on a bleeding whimpering soil plain
6 | Citadel under construction
7 | Army doing training exercise
8 | Execution in progress
9 | Vile acts of fornication in a lake of blood
10 | Sculpture / torture garden
11 | Horrible animal being eaten by another horrible animal which then gets eaten by a plant. Which
then bursts into flames from the landscape
12| The landscapes quivers in response to every footfall in an uncomfortably suggestive way
Demons of ancient power and idiosyncratic form. Table: Size (2d4)
2 | Child sized
3 | Stooped hunch or elderly human sized
4 | Like a human size
5 | Like a huge meat tree of human sized
6 | Horse sized
7 | The size of 2 horses!
8 | The size of elephant
Table: Form (roll d30 at least twice and combine)
1 | Goatish and leering
2 | Flaming
3 | Frozen
4 | Skinless and glistening
5 | Stretched very thin
6 | Scored and hollow
7 | Armour plates nailed into the skin
8 | Something like a t-rex but made of human bodies
9 | A delicate porcelain doll
10 | Conjoined twins joined forming a centaur like grotesquely
11 | Wearing brightly coloured clothing of skinned human faces sewn together, still moving in the
imitation of laughter
12 | Has a great rusty snail shell with pipes protruding release smoke and oil
13 | Shifts back and forth from the form of a swarm of insects
14 | Unto a womb, inverting itself over and over
15 | Face is spiraling jaw of teeth jarringly akimbo
16 | Bighorns, its height again, festooned with hanging children and gutted snakes
17 | Low torso or random limb is a long python body
18 | Bathed in a soft golden light
19 | A stunning specimen of humanity
1-2 | Male
3-4 | Female
6 | Shifts back and forth
20 | Has wings
1 | Swans
2 | Bat (but with papyrus instead of skin, and writing of drooling idiocy
3 | Butterfly, violent garish colours
4 | 1000 delicate blade-like feathers
5 | Dragonfly
6 | Fans, scarlet and barbed
21 | Floating window looking unto a scene of beauty from the viewer's life, with the duke standing in
the middle
22 | Half ornate bronze cannon
23 | Nailed to some kind of torture wheel, rack, or cross
24 | Sewed together, stuffed with bugs
25 | Fringed with fingers moving in peristaltic waves
26 | Boneless
27 | Unnaturally detailed, eye can see more detail than it should, gives feeling that you are too close to the duke at all times
28 | Bloated to proportions suiting a balloon or dirigible.
29 | Like a child's drawing of a half buried memory of being eaten alive by the family dog
30 | Roll twice more on this table
Table: Immediately Observable Personality (d20)
1 | Roll again every minute
2 | Simpering
3 | Leering
4 | Ravenous
5 | Near berserk with rage
6 | Cold, detached
7 | Pleasant, polite
8 | Screeching, maniac, paranoid
9 | Solemn like graveyard tuba
10 | Pompous, pontificating
11 | Jovial, likable
12 | Just slightly off
13 | Giggling, near hysterical
14 | Drunk, slurring and nasty
15 | Whispering and threatening
16 | Singing delicately, serene
17 | Still, then maniac and accusatory, then still
18 | Smug, arrogant, condescending
19 | Snarling, abusive, hateful
20 | Apologetic, mournful
Table: Quirks (d20)
1 | Wigs. Big fuck off wigs
2 | Is carried everywhere by headless musclemen
3 | Flowers grow where ever they step
4 | Constantly eating own body
5 | Knowledgeable about vast range of topics, chatty, asking how things are at home. Any kids? It loves kids
6 | Floats slightly off the ground
7 | Winds and rain follow it
8 | Moves like cheap stop motion
9 | Has a pet
1 | Human baby
2 | Mini-me version of itself
3 | Dog
4 | Cat
5 | Hamster
6 | Weasel python
7 | Mink
8 | Jumping spider
9 | Jellyfish
10 | Centipede with a smirk and cruel eyes
10 | Voice is heard inside character's head
11 | Collects things
12 | Follows fashions
13 | Sees itself as:
1 | Painter
2 | Sculptor
3 | Poet
4 | Writer
14 | Music and a party encumbers it. Party is mostly barely alive magically compelled intelligent beings
15 | Seated on a throne which is motile from its:
1 | Wheels
2 | Pile of squirming babies
3 | Tentacles
4 | One giant hand
5 | Insect / bird / mammal / reptile legs
6 | Innate levitation
16 | Trophy necklaces (eyes, ears, teeth, limbs, skulls, etc.)
17 | Consults a red leather notebook all the time
18 | Smokes an ornate spiralling pipe of bronze and bone
19 | Smells very much like:
1 | The best thing ever
2 | The worst thing ever
3 | Something you can't quite remember but makes you happy and sad at the same time
4 | Constantly changing depending on mood
20 | roll twice
Hit dice: 10+1d10
Table: Basic Power (d6)
1 | Warrior, fighter powers of a fighter = hit dice
2 | Wizard spells = level in hit dice
3 | Cleric abilities = level in hit dice
4 | Half level in hit dice warrior / wizard / cleric half in different class
5 | A particular potent magic item or weapon
6 | As 5 but roll a d4 and combine one of the first 4 results
Table: Weird Gimmick Powers (d20)
1 | Breathe weapon
2 | Vermin swarm
3 | Magic redirection
4 | Sense stealing
5 | Mummy rot
6 | Insanity gaze
7 | Can shrink and climb inside people to possess them
8 | Bites / tears off limbs and can stick them to its own body, getting an extra attack with half your attack bonus
9 | Curse. once on each person can name something that will happen to them no matter once in the next year. Takes a round to announce
10 | Can gush forth sweat / blood / semen / tears / menses / pus and turn the ground into horrible sucking quicksand
11 | Immune to whatever type of damage it was attacked with last round, for this round
12 | Staying in its presence for at least a minute makes you permanently barren / sterile
13 | Uses a giant's arm as a club. Arms still alive and can grab and crush people
14 | Bones burst forth like cross bolts, 1d4-1 heavy crossbow attacks each round on random enemy targets using the duke's attack bonus
15 | If successfully grapples, assimilate you into its flesh
16 | Regenerates like a troll as long as it inflicts pain
17 | Petrification as a kiss. Stoned character will be animated under its control
18 | All liquids not in living creature become poisonous within 5 seconds of being in its presence
19 | Healing magics always heal the lowest die result and inflict pain with 30 feet of the duke
20 | Roll twice
1 | Observed carefully by magically means. Roll again 1d20 seconds / minutes / hours / days later
2 | Squad attempts to capture party for… experiments
3 | Used in a bizarre running man style game / hunted for sport personally by the duke
4 | Hunted for food
5 | Ignored.
6 | Invited for tea / dinner / games / art exhibition. The more pleasant it sounds the worse it probably is going to be .
Table: Random Citadels of the Flesh Rifts (2d4)
2 | Is the size of a dollhouse. Is actually a dollhouse. Most likely uninhabited, or roll again and it's solid all the way through.
3 | Citadel is 1d4 stories high and locked with horrible devices and magic
. Inside is imprisoned something appropriately horrible (12 HD at least). It's layout is:
1 | One big room
2 | A maze in 3 dimensions, 2d20 rooms with 2d4-1 doors each, determine placement of doors:
1 | Up
2 | Down
3 | North
4 | South
5 | East
6 | West
3 | A maze in 4 dimensions (as above, but when you enter a room, 50% chance of entering an old version of that room,
i.e. everything is undecayed)
4 | One big room, with a prisoner attached to a torture machine of unusual size
4 | 1d4 stories, 1d4 rooms a story. 30% of which are inhabited. Is a resupply point for demonic travellers.
Door opens to password
5 | 1d4 stories, 1d4 rooms a story. 50% of which are inhabited, roll on demon table +2d12 servants.
Purpose is some kind of "summerhouse" for a duke
or power demon
6 | A small tower, like a lighthouse. 1d10 stories high, one room per story.
70% chance of being inhabited by one minor or 1d6 lesser demons. One top is mounted a…
1 | Signalling Device
1 | Bell
2 | Signal Fire
3 | Undead roc head with bellows for lungs
4 | Huge tuning fork
5 | Light-emitting giant eyeball
6 | Cannon firing flares
7 | Big spiralling tuba
8 | Church organ of vast and sinister scale
2 | Roll on the previous entry but it's also a weapon
3 | Guard tower (add another 2d6 demons, least)
1 | Armed with 6 arbalests with bolts that explode into scarab swarms
2 | Cannons pointed in eight directions
3 | Cauldrons of boiling acid / ravenous flesh-eating worms / freezing liquid / molten metal
4 | A trebuchet firing:
1 | Stones
2 | Bestial elementals
3 | Spiked bouncing ball
4 | Roll on the cauldron entry, previously
4 | A buzz-saw launcher
5 | Spinning tops the size of horses that shoot fire as they spin around, then explode
6 | Roll twice
7 | A fort. 1d6 stories, 1d10 rooms per story. Roll 4 times on the demon encounter table +1d20 least demons.
Assume 4 guard towers as 6
8 | A fortress. 1d10 Dukes in residence, and a 10% chance of a demon prince visiting plus an army or two of demons.
6d6 stories, each story has 1d10 rooms. Assume 2d6 guard towers (as result 3) as part of its construction
Table: Citadel General Shape (d10)
1 | Rectangular, like an upright brick
2 | A spiny ball like a diatom or urchin
3 | Pyramidal
4 | Like a cheesecake vampire castle
5 | Egg shaped
6 | Like chewing gum and broken glass
7 | Hexagonal
8 | Columnular (like a pipe organ)
9 | Short and squat
10 | In the shape of a demon prince's face
Table: Unusual Properties (d20)
1-6 | Nah
7 | Hovers a couple of feet above ground
8 | Can fly (d100-20, minimum of zero, explode results above 70 before subtracting the 20) feet above ground,
1 | Wings (pair) bat / bird / dragonfly / fans / butterfly
2 | Wings, absurd amount bat / bird / dragonfly / fans / butterfly
3 | Balloon / balloons, 1% chance gas is flammable (hey there's chaotic and then there's just stupid)
4 | Chains disappearing off to points of non-existence in the sky
5 | Sitting atop an evil black cloud
6 | Just can. Magic. 50% chance of big red heart / brain / wired-up child inside that, if destroyed,
cancels the magic. Otherwise, flight ability is built into the walls itself.
9 | Dying captives impaled on spikes and hooks on the walls
10 | River of blood / oil / ooze / meat slurry / mercury runs through it, powering a water wheel. If citadel
is currently in air, river is a waterfall
11 | Rotating on the spot
12 | Gravity is oriented to nearest surface around and in citadel. Outside walls are effected with grease
spell and razor-sharp gut hooks
13 | Vast clouds of vultures / bats / flies / stirges / moths / crows above it
14 | Vile industries present, so big chimneys and pipes discharge smoke and goo
15 | Currently under siege, by (roll on "Who's Involved?" table above)
16 | Having a huge party!
17 | Pulsing, glowing lights slither around. Discharges weird magics. 10% chance per round if within
100' of being affected by random 1-3 level spell
18 | Living, sessile. Strong but not complete resemblance to:
1 | Barnacle
2 | Sea anemone
3 | Mushroom
4 | Orchid
5 | Human / wolf / snake / toad / spider head
6 | Miscellaneous hairy / scaly / slimy / squalid thing
19 | Living, motile. Because of:
1 | Giant pair of legs
1 | Bird
2 | Insect
3 | Human
4 | Reptilian
5 | Tentacular
6 | Mammal
2 | As 1, but like a vast amount of regular-sized legs
3 | Nailed to a hunched-over giant human / gorilla / cow / beetle
4 | It's one big amoeba
5 | It's sculpted into a huge hog / fish / toad / snail
6 | It's mounted on a tongue carpet
20 | Roll twice
Size :
1-2 | Horse
3-4 | 4 horses
5 | Elephant
6 | Large house
and resembles mostly:
1 | Cannons
2 | Balloons
3 | Catapults
4 | Vomiting frogs
5 | Rotating intestines
6 | Eyeball on hook
7 | Giant bell
8 | Drum with screaming hide
9 | Church organ
10 | Ballista
but with a touch of:
1|Pinned open heart
2| Jellyfish
3 | Bloody skeletons
4 | Candelabra
5 | Mammoth
6 | 12 piece brass band with musicians
7 | Rose garden
8 | Stone monoliths
9 | Printing press / typewriter
10 | Wind up monkey with cymbals
Some Items Of Note
Emetic whip: an emetic whip is a cured semi-living stomach inverted around a section of its large
intestine. The other end of the intestine is held, and as the whip is snapped the stomach turns back
inwards, releasing its contents in a 1-10 foot arc (depending on the size of the stomach).
The contents, in addition to virulent acid can include poisons, diseases, and dire tapeworms.
The stomach will reload its acid load in about an hour if "fed."
Envious sallet: this is a specially-treated skinned face of someone who hated you.
The hate for you has infused it, and if it sees anyone appearing to attack you,
it will involuntarily alert you with the feelings of envy that pulse out of it,
for it longs to be the one to kill you.
Worm spear: these are spears with the shaft that of a more-or-less rigid worm.
By squeezing the worm, the spear becomes thin and lengthens to form a pike.
By pulling the shaft together it will shorten and fatten and so become a short spear.
Mercenaries enhancing their bodies reckless with stolen flesh
Hitdice 1 to 5
Damage by weapon or power
People just pumping weird juices in them to hypertrophy in fucked up ways.
Can heal limb loss
1 ability per hitdice. Rolling again upgrades
1Armour skin of warts/m teeth
2 1 limb extend 1d6/ 1 limb extended and swells up like a club 1d12
3 take d6 damage to win initiative/ Take 1d10 damage to get a 2nd action
4 Shoot off nails (1d4), Shoot off finger bone s(1d8)
5 Leap and dive/ Super leap and pile driver
6: Spend a round absorbing recently dead meat to heal themselves 1d4 per hitdice. Inflicting damage on them ruins negates the ability/ 1d6 per hit dice and can increae above 15 maxium
7. Super pus , become puffy , reduce damage from impact / pus is boiling hot and shoot out from injury to slashing / piercing
8. Bone whip , dislocate arm or leg and thrash it into people the bones breaking and multiple and judding out. \can be used like grappling hook/ Limb spilts like the mythical hydra upon recieving damage or delivering max damage
9 Over charge : haste that does damage to user when fail to damage things , steam , fluid and boiling blood leak from meat head. / ?
10 Emetic Bomb acidic vomit/ Can have additional damage type (boiling blood, chewing polyps, bone shards)
11 Nerve Wrap : Extend Nerves and tendons into weapon , armour or other equipment. Have to hack it off to disarm it. Reroll lowest damage rolls/ ignore lowest
/ 360 vision via equipment, have no “back”
12 Spend round to cancel a physical debuff/ incorporate into a one off attack