The opening for WEIRD HOPE ENGINES is about a week away now and due to the success of the fundraiser , I will be there in COR BLIMEY ENGLAND COR WIZARD CORGI BRITANNIA for it.
So if you are in that BECASTLED ISLE you can probably meet me at the opening or the zine fair.
Here's some info/blather about the THOUGHTs that went into some of the models that are going to be there.
This fulla |
Evolution is a very slow tool for designing and refining motile automated weapon platforms .
As a solution : create a vast quantum computer running a billion simulations of evolving machine lives with generations flicking by in nano-seconds.
This possible would of resulted in something bad , or at least unexpectedly bad , even if some bizarre epistemological rupturing had not happen , resulting in the betwixting nightmare known as ABPOLIS, and thus MAKING A WORSE.
Specifically these simulations torn out of their silicon fake worlds into now into worryingly permeable reality like explosion flung glass shards.
The Nu_Wolves are guided missiles with the personality of a rabid apex predator, and yes are considered very dangerous.
The only saving grace here was a certain fragility and instability in their forms.
As experimentation was a far bigger priority here than anything else resulting in screaming animal weapons that can tear themselves apart chasing you down at 300kph.
Design Notes:
I remember a children's "find the thing" picture book that had a experimental jet plane with asymmetrical wing designs "so they could test two designs once , as the plane would turn away from the worse wing design"
This approach to building something that a human pilot is going to be put in and trying to do their best to not die/kill people , is totally one of the vibes informing the Nu_Wolves design.
Other influences here are Roger Dean's Altered Beast cover designs and the Plague Dogs designs Chippy did for Magic the Gathering.
(a visual height Mtg has long since descended from and even as someone with the most casual of interests , I can't help but have sadness for the dire depths it now wallows in . Aesthetically anyway. )