Monday 6 September 2021

Kickstarter Cognition Snare, 8th part of the Hexahedron of the Monks of Flame

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Just 5 Days remain for the kickstarter  , with Patrick dropping some key pieces of art on each of the remaining days

but for me, I'm trying to get a few more pieces created so I'll be sticking to the just doing these rooms. If this is the first post you've clicked on, go here to read the introduction.

The Most Recent Room that Patrick has done is accessible by clicking on the start of this very sentence wow.

now today's post is


Most Obvious Thing:

Lectern room with flimsy looking pew seating all facing east wall where there's a podium, and a circular plinth set into the wall.

It is displaying a statue of a robed man with a flaming orb for a head , arms held out stretched on either side of him , one holding a sickle , the other holding a battle axe.

There's pew wedged in beside the statue, apparently preventing it from rotating back into the wall. Bit of several broken pews are piled up near.

A morose looking young man, looking like a sloppily dressed wizard equipped for travel, is doing something magical to the statue.

Beside him is a scarecrow with one of its hands a dagger.

Further Details:

 The pew won't hold for very long, snapping most likely shortly after the party enters the room. The plinth then rotates into the wall ,  rotating a statue of cowled man , his head bowed , and with his cowl having ash pouring from it like a shower head. He holds a spade and a stick of charcoal. The plinth will then continue to rotate alternating the statues . 

This will fuck up what the wizard (Cymin Gutwagon) was doing , causing him tocurse , and him and the scarecrow (via his verbal commands ) will drag another pew and jam the plinth from turning again. He'll then have to redo the chalk diagrams , realign the bottles, extinguish and relight the candles etc. The purpose of this ritual is to transfer the rare form of flame elemental in this statue's head into a large glass bottle , a job he has been assigned by his master, as he is a barely competent apprentice who tends to mess a lot up.

This wizard had heard about disruption here and sent his apprentice to obtain the only thing he figured he would be able to get it. If he's successful the wizard himself will try and obtain things of greater value from this place.

Animal Power Machine High Resolution Stock Photography and Images - Alamy

The plinth turns by an endlessly walking boulder located beneath it. 

A foot pedal near the speakers podium connects the plinth to the rotating axle when pressed, and its currently always depressed because the speakers podium has been knocked over backwards on top of it (presumably by a panicking monk ).  Move the podium off the foot pedal , plinth stops turning.

Cymin thinks the statues are endlessly rotating due to the time irregularity and hasn't tried any problem-solving deeper than wedging pews in between the plinth and the wall. 

Cymin Gutswagon has the personality of a  fatalistic sullen not to bright teenager , he only seems come alive when directly interacting with elementals, and presence tends to calm them down.

If attacked he has only the simple animated scarecrow with a knife hand for protection,  however he has 3 applications of Enlargement dust and he'll use one on the scarecrow before scurrying for cover and using a wand of ungulation on the remaining pews.  The effect of the wand is to  turn inanimate objects  into belligerent cattle like creatures. It has 12 charges.




  1. The not-too-bright apprentice's attempt at problem-solving could really clue players in on the approach they should be taken in this dungeon. This would make a great first room.
